Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity (304-1) in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas
Significant work is being done for the minimization of the impacts to the environment and the ecosystem. The refining sector has the wider application of the Best Available Techniques for the environmental protection than any other sector in Greece. The management of wastewater and waste is based on BATs resulting in zero impact on living organisms while air emissions are controlled based on the Guidelines for air quality and therefore the effect on living organisms is estimated to be negligible.
In the context of Environmental Monitoring and Recording of Critical Environmental Indicators of Biodiversity, such as marine mammals (cetaceans and monk seals), sea turtles and seabirds, HELLENiQ Upstream and its affiliate Companies has assigned to the company Nature Conservation Consultants (NCC) Ltd to conduct the present Project, namely the “Survey of the Status of Important Fauna Species”.
The present study constitutes one of the most complex and comprehensive surveys for the systematic recording of marine mammals, sea turtles and seabirds that have been conducted in Greece, combining visual, acoustic and aerial recordings, search of breeding areas, optical monitoring using telemetry. This Program includes:
- Systematic monitoring of the Mediterranean Monk seal at breeding sites in the wider area of research using an inflatable boat with two (2) field researchers and available infrared cameras.
- Pelagic recordings of marine mammals, sea turtles and seabirds using visual and acoustic methods from floating and aerial means.
- Coastal surveys of the breeding areas of the Mediterranean Seal and the Mediterranean Shag (Phalacrocorax Aristotelis) in neighboring Natura 2000 Network areas.
- Telemetry of sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and seabirds (Scopoli’s shearwater/Artemis)
In general, impacts of operational wind parks tend to be considered relatively minimal. Neverthelles HELLENiQ RENEWABLES assess impacts on biodiversity in both its upstream and downstream value chain.