(No. 0118446052713/01)
The Assurance Provider TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas (‘the Provider’) has been engaged to provide external assurance on the disclosures published in the 2022 Sustainability Report (‘the Report’) of HELLENiQ ENERGY HOLDINGS S.A. (‘the Company’). The Company is exclusively responsible for the data and information within the Report. The assurance process was conducted by the Provider in terms of sample-based audits of data and information, as well as audits of data collection systems and procedures.
The Provider has not offered any consulting services to the Company.
Economic and financial data were not verified. Instead, they were assessed with respect to the information contained in the 2022 Annual Financial Report which has been verified by other third parties.
The intended users of this Statement are all the stakeholders of the Company.
The Provider undertook and implemented the following verification activities during May of 2023:
The extent of the above collected data and information justify the characterization «moderate assurance», since the objective evidence found were a result of internal sources of the Company and not through contacting external stakeholders.
During the assurance engagement, it was confirmed that the data and information of all the chapters of the Report are accurate and reliable. The accuracy of the disclosed statements and assertions was found to be within acceptable limits. The Company provided a comprehensive and proper presentation of performance based on reasonably documented information as well as that there is an effective data gathering, management and reporting system in place for issues which pertain to sustainable development.
The Provider concurs that the report is in accordance with the GRI Standards 2021, including GRI 11. Oil & Gas Sector Standards and the 4 principles of the AA1000AP Standard (2018).
Based on the observations and concluding remarks derived from the assurance engagement, the Provider’s recommendations for the improvement of the Company’s future Sustainability Reports are as follows:
Α. GRI-STANDARDS & AA1000AP (2018):
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas member of TÜV AUSTRIA Group is an independent professional services company that specializes in quality, environmental, health, safety and social accountability. The TÜV AUSTRIA Group is a Group with International presence founded in 1872. TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas was the first subsidiary to be founded outside Austria in 1994, has become a market leader in Greece. Its assurance team has extensive experience in conducting verification over environmental, social, ethical and health and safety information, systems and processes.
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas is an accredited certification body which operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of several accreditation standards, and accordingly maintains a comprehensive system of quality control including documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has implemented a Declaration of Impartiality and Independency and several relevant procedures which ensure that all employees, that work for or on behalf of it, maintain high standards in their day to day business activities. We are particularly cautious in the prevention of conflicts of interest. TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has a few existing commercial contracts with the Company regarding management systems certification activities. Our assurance team does not have any involvement in other projects with the Company that would cause a conflict of interest and has never provided any consulting services to the Company.
Note: This Independent Assurance Report has been prepared as a translation of the original Greek version
On behalf of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas,
Athens, 12th of May 2023