Welcome to the 18th Sustainability Report of HELLENiQ ENERGY, which presents the Group’s performance in environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) topics for the period from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022.
Since 2005, HELLENiQ ENERGY has been publishing an annual Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility Report, with the aim of better informing and communicating with its stakeholders.
Our approach is aligned with the Group’s mission and values, and reflects the responsible way in which we treat the health and safety of our employees and the wider society, the ethical and transparent business practices, the environmentally sustainable operations, the working environment and the value creation for our stakeholders.
The data stated in the Report are consolidated at Group level, with minor exceptions in certain areas, as stated in the respective parts of the Report. In selecting the subsidiaries of HELLENiQ ENERGY included in this Report, the following were taken into account:
In accordance with a set of selection criteria, such as shareholding and control over the subsidiary, impact and risks, volume of sales and number of employees. More specifically, the information and data included in this Report refer to the following companies:
For the purpose of compiling this Report, the following have been applied:
The reference tables of the standards followed (GRI, UNGC, ΑΑ1000AP, ATHEX ESG Guide and the Greek Sustainability Code) are included in the Sustainability Standards & Verification section of this Report. Other useful information, complementary data in respect with the standards followed as well as detailed financial data on HELLENiQ ENERGY are presented in the 2022 Annual Report, the 2022 Annual Financial Report and on the Group’s website.
All indices, units of measurement, quantities and metrics stated in the Report correspond to measurements and data recorded in accordance with the best available practices, internationally accepted standards and international frameworks pertaining to the oil and gas industry. There are no differences in measurement methods compared with previous versions. There are no other restrictions, exceptions or changes, unless otherwise stated in the text.
To ensure accuracy, completeness and reliability, this Report was audited and verified – as a whole and for each separate material topic – by an independent, external certification body prior to its publication. The Assurance Report can be found in the Sustainability & Verification section. The independent body that reviewed the Report certified the “in accordance with” level, as per the requirements of the 2021 GRI Standards, and the fulfilment of the GRI 11 Oil & Gas Sector Standards, as well as the alignment with the ΑΑ1000AP Standard (Type 2). Furthermore, the accuracy of the data is ensured through internal verification, audit processes and annual inspections by accredited certification bodies. These inspections and audits ensure that the data presented in the Report are reliable, appropriately balanced and in accordance with the specified reporting standards.